It took me a while to figure out a reliable and robust way to use conda environments in spyder, and today I’m going to share the details with you!
First things first, download the tools:
- Spyder IDE –>
- Anaconda Python –>
Create your conda environment
- From the start menu open up anaconda prompt
- create a new environment conda create -n my_env
- Once it’s created conda activate my_env
- and install pip conda install pip (this will install python and a bunch of other tools)

Open up spyder
- * Click on the wrench at the top
- Select python interpreter on the left sidebar
- Click on the radio button Use the following Python interpreter
- Paste the path to where python is found on your environment
- Restart spyder so your environment takes effect

You will see this warning about spyder-kernels

So in your terminal run the pip command and wait for it to finish installing

Restart Spyder one last time and you shouldn’t see an error anymore but the IPython console, and the bottom bar should say conda
This is now using your conda environment and Spyder IDE, happy coding!